Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Ready for 2009
Well that has finally come to say goodbye to 2008 and hello to 2009. Thank goodness cause 2008 was a pretty rough one except for the fact our beautiful daughter came into this world. So as my new year resolution I vow to get out debt. Weather that means I have to work 3 jobs to do this I will. So I am looking forward to what the new year may bring I am very excited that my little girl will be turning "1"in a couple days. I can't believe how fast time has gone she is no longer a little baby anymore. She is my walking, talking eating machine. My goodness this little girl is always hungry I can't keep up with her. Well here is looking to a new and exciting 2009 and I wish all of you the best New Years and stay safe.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
My poor lil Ni Ni
Well Aidan has been sick and had a cough off and on for a lil over 6 months now. So yesterday I took him to see Dr. Jabagi for probably the 15th time this year, I think Aidan is her favorite patient. LOL I told her that this cough just doesn't seem to want to go away and that it keeps coming back and I don't know what else to do for the little guy. So she checked out his lung and heard him have one of his many cough attacks and finally diagnosed him with Asthma. Now mommy begins to cry cause I have Asthma and thats the last thing I would want my child to have. Then on top of that he has a really bad ear infections. I swear Aidan is always sick. So I hope now that he has the inhaler it will help him out with his coughing and help him finally get a good nights sleep. Oh and apparently our insurance company doesn't cover the aerochamber for his inhaler and the darn thing cost 80.00 I about had a heart attack in rite aid. LOL
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Christmas Photos
Well I've been meaning to update and put up so new photos I've just been so busy with everything I haven't had time. So I finally got 15 mins to spare. Here they are I hope you enjoy
Ashlyn opening her presents.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas!!!
Well what a crazy couple of days it's been I think I have slept a total of 8 hours in 2 days. But I have to say that I have had a really good Christmas being with family and just having good conversation is all I could ask for. My Mom and Dad came into town last Thursday so it was nice to have them here for the holidays. Especially since they have moved to the east coast we hardly get to see each other. So Christmas Eve we went to my Aunt and Uncles house to do the annual dinner and have the kids meet Santa. This is the first year Aidan has really been into Christmas so he was very excited to see Santa and tell him what he wanted for Christmas. But I have to say the funniest moment yesterday was when Aidan and Jayden were sitting on Santa's lap and Santa asked if they have been good boys this year. And Jayden proceeded to tell Santa Aidan is a bad boy and hit me in the head with a bat. LOL I swear three year olds are all about telling the truth. It was a cute little classic moment. Later that evening we went home and had little christmas dinner for us since my dad was leaving at 7 am to go back to New Jersey to spend Christmas with my brother. Christmas morning was absolutely wonderful Aidan was ready to open present after present. Ashlyn is still a little young but had a great time tearing open that paper. I loved just watching those two sit there and open there gifts this is the joy of having children. I have to say those two were very spoiled this year between us and both sets of grandparents they got every toy and every piece clothing out there. I have no clue where I am going to put all of this stuff, I really need get rid of there old toys they don't play with anymore. Well we have been really blessed this Christmas and are looking forward to a fantastic 2009.
Monday, December 22, 2008
A disasterous holiday photo session
Oh my word what was I thinking taking 2 kids at 8:45 at night to get there picture taken. Wow let me tell you about this fiasco. So the only time picture people had for us was 8:45 p.m so I thought hey that's fine my kids usually don't fall asleep til 10 sometimes so we will just make this one of those late nights. Lord was I wrong we got to Picture People at 8:45 but by the time they finally saw us it was closer to 9:45 and my kids had about had it at this point. Aidan was good to go as soon as we got showing me how he was going to smile for the pictures, well that fantasy lasted at whole 2.2 seconds as soon as the photographer started shooting away. Thank goodness she had patience, because I would of threw in the towel a long time ago if I were her. But she tried to make it fun for Aidan to take pictures and if you know my son he loves toy guns and video games. So she made it in to an interactive photo session of lets hide behind the Christmas tree and try to shoot the monsters. I swear there should of been a camera crew filming us cause it was the most creative way to get shots of him. On the other hand Ashlyn was a complete angel and posed perfect every time. Hey at least I have one child that still likes to take pictures. Well at least until she hits the terrible 2 mark. LOL So here are some of the pics and if you see the red number "1" Aidan is holding that's his pretend gun.

Saturday, December 20, 2008
Aidan's Christmas Program
Well all week I have been anxiously awaiting Aidan's lil christmas program. I thought to myself it can go either way with him either he will be really into it on stage singing the songs or he will cry hysterically. Well it went the unfavorable way of the two he cried well at least for only half of the program until his favorite teacher Mrs. Guthrie calmed him down. But overall it was a very cute event and he really did have fun at the end. But let me tell you everything leading up to getting to this event was complete chaos. I had to work until 4 but didn't get out until 4:30 then I totally forgot to get aidan dress shoes so I went to Target no luck then finally went to Kohl's and scored but then I';' turn around to discover the line oh my word there was like 20 people and 4 registers open. So I stand in line for over 20 minutes to get one item they really should have a 5 items or less line lol. Then I got on the freeway to finally get home to get Aidan and Ashlyn dressed and low and behold there is so much traffic on the 15 that no cars were moving. So I get off and take side streets by this time it is 5:05 and Aidan has to be at the school by 5:45. So I finally get home at 5:15 get the kids dressed get me dressed and were out the door by 5:38 and realize I have no gas. See I'm telling you it was the day from hell then we go to the gas station and all of the pumps are taken. (could it get any worse) Then I finally get Aidan to school by 5:50 pm run him to the back of the stage just before the curtains open thank goodness. So enough of me rambling here are some pictures from last night.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008
I finally decorated
Yes folks I finally decorated my house and actually got the hubby to put Christmas lights on the house. For those of you that know my husband you know that to get him to do anything for me is like pulling teeth. Unless it has something to do about one of his computer games I'm pretty much no existent. LOL When I download the pics from my camera tonight I will post them so you can see our beautiful tree we got from Home Depot for 39.00. Which is a real steal for us since last year we got one the same size and spent over 100.00. Geezs those tree farms really know how to rip you off. So I am officially in the Christmas spirit and can't wait to finally do some shopping this weekend. I actually have the weekend off, no working 6 days this week. My parents are coming into town and can't wait to see them. Ever since they moved to New Jersey I only get to see them 3x a year as opposed to when they lived here I practically saw them everyday. Oh and I also received a spoof video from Disney today. For those of you who don't know me really well I am a Disney fanatic and for my 30th birthday I want to be at Disney world celebrating. LOL So here's a little video they sent me I thought it was kinda cute and would be my dream to have everything at Disney named after me.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
I need to get in the christmas spirit
It's December 11th and I have still yet to put up decorations, lights or even get a christmas tree. I really need to get on the ball here. I've just keep pushing it out of my mind because things have been so hard financially this year I'm trying to figure out how to have a christmas. Yes I know it's not just about gifts but when you have lil ones you wanna make sure they get the best christmas possible. So last night I went to storage got all of the decorations and lights out and I am ready to start making our home feel like christmas. Now I just need to beg the hubby to put the lights on the house since knowing my clumbsy butt I would probably fall off the ladder. My mom tells me to stay thinking positive and thats exactly whats I'm intending to do. So Santa if your listening I would like a full time job for christmas and maybe some tickets to see Britney Spears cause my part time job at Verizon just isn't cutting it.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
My lil man is "3"
Well yesterday my lil boy turned 3 years old. I still can't believe he is 3 already where the hell did time go. I swear I look at his baby pictures like it was just yesterday. So on Sunday I decided to have a Aidan and mommy day and visit our favorite place on earth Disneyland. He wanted to do 3 rides while we were there Buzz Lightyear, Autopia and Teacups. Well we did all of them plus we went to California Disney to try the new Toy Story Mania but the line was an hour long. And I know my son he has the attention span of about 2 mins. LOL So we went to Bug's Life area and did all of the kiddie rides in there which he just loved. And yesterday since it was his actual birthday I made him some cupcakes and we sang Happy birthday to him again. He has been a pretty spoiled lil boy this week. But he is worth it all. I am thankful that God has given me my children they are the reason I look forward to another day.
Here he is with his birthday cupcake. Such a Ham!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
From a Naughty Girl Party to my lil boys Diego Party
So last night I went to my friend Jessica's Passion Party and was nominated "The New Hussy Girl". Apparently I guess I've done a bit more than most people in some depts. =) Wouldn't my mother be proud actually she might kill me after reading this. It was a great night with just girls and got to learn alot about some pretty nifty lil toys. For those of you girls that don't wanna do all the work to please your man I have to say GIGi would be your best friend. So now on to today I got up at 6:30 am when the bounce house company called and decided they were going to drop off the bouncer at 7am instead of 12pm. I was like are you kidding me so I thought I might as well get up for the day and get things ready for the party. I had alot of running around to do anyways between taking the Nala to the pet hotel, picking up the balloons and cake and setting everything up at home. By the time the party started I was exhausted but I have to say it is all worth it in the end. People always ask me why do you always have such big birthday parties from Aidan and when I tell them they are either quite shocked or very understanding. And no it's not because we want more gifts for him, seriously we could and he could care less about them. He just loves playing with all of his friends. But 3 years ago when I had Aidan you always think your going to have a healthy baby and are going to have all those experiences you see on TV. Well shortly after Aidan was born he made a very distinctive humming noise which we now know was he was in respiratory distress and when his pediatrician came to check on ordered a bunch of test right away. After they did a chest x ray on him they realized he had lots of fluid in his lungs and was immediately sent to NICU where things proceeded to get worse where he had a seizure. The doctors thought he might have Sepsis and told me his outlook wasn't good and that he may not even survive. So every year I will celebrate my lil boys life. He is and will always be my lil survivor. Now enough of that. Here are some pics on his big day. He begged for a Diego party so we went all out for him.
He was being so nice to Taylor he even shared his candy
with her cause he said she didn't have enough.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Why Daddy's shouldn't let there kids watch video games. LOL
Ok so my darling husband plays this game on his computer called left 4 dead. I have to say it's a pretty creepy game in where like most games you have to kill a dead zombie or monster to win. Well I find out my son is watching daddy play this game and is pretending like we have these monsters living in our house and he has to shoot them. Which is probably not a good things since he goes to a Christain school and there are very against kids pretending to play with guns. But in our defense he was pretending to shoot things a long time ago before he even saw this game. He's just a boy. So today my hubby decided to film my son shooting the monsters around the house and added a lil bit of hollywood effects to the video. I hope you enjoy.
Monday, December 1, 2008
My Sissy is a movie star!!!
Well today my sister offically got hired on Brothers and Sisters for 2 episodes. As soon as I find out when it airs I will be sure to post so you all can watch her. She has been working really hard the last few years to get to this point and she really deserves it. She is also taping a web episode for a show called PUMA. My lil sissy is my little movie star and if your reading this I am very proud of you and can't wait to see you make it big.

OK I'm officially a Blogger
Well after reading many family and friends blogs over the months, I have finally decided to starting blogging. I'm not the worlds most creative or best writer but I hope you all enjoy reading my blogs. So the reason I have started this blog is so family and friends can get updates on us and our kids. With our family being so spread out across the united states this will help us keep in touch a lil more.
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