Friday, January 30, 2009
Pheww long week.
Yay it's finally Friday thank goodness. It was a long week and I missed my kids terribly. I'm so use to be home with them through out the day and not leaving to work til 2:30p.m. So that has been hard that I only have a few hours to spend with them a day. And I've also been really sad that I no longer get to pick Aidan up from school anymore. Those were the best parts of my day because he was always so happy to see me and told me about his day at school. But a working mom has gotta do what she has to, to keep a roof over our head. So update on Aidan's chronic ear infection which he has had for about 5 months now. They are going to try one more round of antibiotics and if that does not work they are going to have to do surgery to have ear tubes inserted. Which I'm hoping this antibiotics works because this will be this poor boys 3rd surgery and he's only 3. So all I can do now is hope. On a brighter note the hubby got Saturday off so we are actually going out to dinner and then get together with some friends for game night. I will let you know how that goes since its usually boys against girls and the boys are cheaters and sore losers. LOL Oh and if you know my husband you know he is the worse sore loser in the world. Hunny if your reading this I love you but you really are. Recall our family Thanksgiving 3 years ago. LOL OK off to pay some bills and I will post some recent pics of the kids this week I got some really cute ones recently.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Finally a small light at the end of a dark tunnel.
Well this past week has been a crazy one. I have been looking for a full time job for a little while now cause my current part time job just isn't making ends meet. So Ive been going on to Career builder and Monster almost every week and have been applying to anything and everything that I believe I'm qualified for. On Wednesday I got a job offer from First American Title in Santa Ana paying a nice amount of money. But after long discussion with the hubby we thought it would not be good for our family, since I would be gone almost 12 hours a day adding in traffic. Then yesterday I was told of another job opportunity with the census but it was only part time so that wasn't going to do. Then out of the blue yesterday my boss at Verizon called me and asked if I wanted a full time position there along with a 3.00 raise. Hallelujah heck yes I do. Man, God must of been hearing my prayers loud and clear. Even though Verizon isn't like working at my old company where I made many friends that are like family to me, I am starting to think of this place like home. I work with a lot of women but they are all really great and hysterical at times. So I'm hoping things keep going the way they are because we've had a rough few years and need a little breather.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Birthday party and a lil surprise
Well this was a rather long week, I was suppose to work this Saturday but they scheduled too many people so I offered to not work. Heck ya a whole weekend off I'm going to enjoy and relax. Today was my best friends daughters 7th birthday party at Shakey's. Of course I was late cause to be honest trying to get 2 kids out the door by yourself is a long task. But when we got there Aidan had a blast and it was Ashlyn's nap time so she just slept in her stroller. As for my little surprise yesterday in the mail my hubby got a check for a settlement offer from some money that was fraudlently taken from his account long before we were together. So he seems to think that this money should be his since it was from when he was "SINGLE". I told him sorry buddy you have a family now and we have lots of bills to pay. So he eventually gave in but not willingly. It's ok hunny one day you will have some extra money to buy more computer stuff. Not that you don't already have enough. LOL So tomorrow I am off to the in laws to take the kids for a visit and actually get some time to rest, since the in laws are great with entertaining them. I will blog soon but it's a 6 day work week this week so who knows when I will have time.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
It will pay off...
So I am determined these 45-50 hour work weeks are going to pay off soon. Cause lordy I'm dying here. The hubby and I hardly see each other anymore cause his days off and my "day" off are totally different days of the week. I couldn't tell you the last time we went out to dinner or the movies together. Sad I know. My sister today was telling me she and her friends were going bowling. Ahhh there's something I miss doing I use to be on a bowling team a while back and had a lot of fun just getting out the house and hanging out with friends. But now a days I'm lucky if I remember to pay my bills on time or eat that day. I miss those days of just getting out of the house and hanging out with friends or even going to the mall. Ohh do I miss the mall, and wow you can tell by my wardrobe it's a little bit haggard. LOL I'm working two jobs right now just so we can make ends meets and it doesn't seem to be working yet but I'm hoping and praying it will soon. So I tell myself to stay positive and it will all pay off soon. My goal is to get up to date on all my bills and save money to buy a house one day. So lord if your listening I need a lil break and some quality with my hubby soon pleaseeeee.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Cupcake Party for a Princess
Yesterday was my lil girls 1st birthday party. I have to say after all my craziness and stressing it all came together quite well. I had been sick all week and worked about 45 hours, left me really no time to prep everything for the party before. And when yesterday came I was about as stressed as they get early in the week I found out my mom wasn't going to be flying in so I was a bit sad by that cause it was my babies first birthday. So yesterday morning when I had to get everything ready it was just me and Oma prepping food for 40 people and decorating the house with 2 lil ones constantly needing my attention for one reason or another. Your probably thinking where is my husband well his boss didn't give him the day off so he had to work that night and had to get a few hours of sleep before the party started. So needless to say I was on my own. But once 2pm hit I pretty much had everything in order and ready to go. The house might have not been as sparkling clean as I wanted it but heck who cares it was going to get messed up anyways.
So my Oma made Satay which is pork meat satay in a sauce on a sticks. Which I have to say taste incredible and did those puppies go fast. They were gone as fast as we got them off the BBQ. We also had pasta and manicotti which was a hit as well. Then for dessert we had Sprinkles cupcakes and a strawberry shortcake from cake and art. And one seconds those cupcakes were there and the next they were gone. My lil Ashlyn loved all of the attention she got from everyone and by the end of the night we opened all of her gifts and she was a spoiled lil girl. She got a lot of toys which she really needed since she had a lot of hand me downs from Aidan which he always stole from her stating they were his. Such a lil brat he is. So here are some pics from yesterday I hope you enjoy. And to all of you that came I love you all and thank you for celebrating my daughters 1st birthday with us.

So my Oma made Satay which is pork meat satay in a sauce on a sticks. Which I have to say taste incredible and did those puppies go fast. They were gone as fast as we got them off the BBQ. We also had pasta and manicotti which was a hit as well. Then for dessert we had Sprinkles cupcakes and a strawberry shortcake from cake and art. And one seconds those cupcakes were there and the next they were gone. My lil Ashlyn loved all of the attention she got from everyone and by the end of the night we opened all of her gifts and she was a spoiled lil girl. She got a lot of toys which she really needed since she had a lot of hand me downs from Aidan which he always stole from her stating they were his. Such a lil brat he is. So here are some pics from yesterday I hope you enjoy. And to all of you that came I love you all and thank you for celebrating my daughters 1st birthday with us.

Friday, January 2, 2009
Ashlyn 1 year ago today
Happy Birthday baby girl
Well the day has finally come my lil girl has turned "1". For some reason I have been dreading this day cause I still want her to be a baby and also because they hubby says we can't have anymore I wanted to cherish all of those baby moments just a wee bit longer. So since both of us work tonight we took our lil girl out for dinner at cheesecake factory last night. She was so happy when they gave her the bread and banana dish. My lil oinker ate almost all of it and then proceeded to eat mash potatoes from my plate. She is the absolute opposite from her brother whom I can hardly get to eat anything. Most of the time I am bribing him with some sort of dessert to get him to finish his meal. So tonight Im going to get a lil cake and has her dive into it. Her birthday party isn't til next Saturday so I have been busy planning that. It will be a cupcake themed birthday since if you know me I'm addicted to cupcakes in every way possible. And yes if your wondering we will be having Sprinkles Cupcakes. Mmmmm yummy. LOL
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