Well I have been so busy with work I haven't had a chance to blog. So now that I have a few moments since both kids are finally asleep I can update you on the home front. Aidan had his first appointment with the ENT last week. Well we kind of expected that he would have to get ear tubes since he has had a lingering ear infection since last September. The doctor said he wanted to try one more round of a high dosage antibiotics before we undergo surgery. He also stated if we do go the surgery route they will likely take out his tonsils as well since they are very swollen and infected. This was all news to me since I never known he was having a problem with his tonsils to begin with. So this Monday we go back to the ENT to see if this new round of antibiotics worked and if not we are going to schedule surgery. Which makes me sad since I don't want him to have to go thru another surgery again. But on the other hand I don't want my son living in constant pain and have a chance of losing his hearing. On to my little Ashlyn she has been crazy and happy like always. Everyday she amazes with something new she has learned. She really is going to be my child where I have to use every baby proofing item out there. We have had to put latches on all of our drawers and cabinets since she loves to throw everything out of them even if it is breakable. She has now learned she can climb and scales the side of her crib and climbs on anything she can get her hands on. I swear she's a little monkey. But it keeps all of us here at home on our toes for sure.
So this is my first weekend off in awhile and I'm going to finally get my hair done and maybe a mani pedi if our funds allow. Then I'm going to do some spring cleaning on our house and spend some well needed quality time with my kids. With working up to 50 hours a week sometimes I feel like I never get to see them. Oh and be sure to watch my sister on Brothers and Sisters this Sunday at 8pm. I'm so proud of my sister this is her first big gig and I can't wait to see her on the small screen. If you reading this poo I love you and always remember your a brillant actress. And never stop believing in yourself.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Monday, February 16, 2009
A great weekend and a love story
As much as I thought my dear hubby forgot Valentine's Day he didn't He surprised me yet again in the few years we have been together. The day after Valentine's day he took me to breakfast at our favorite spot Richie's Diner then surprised me and the kids with a trip to Griffith Observatory. Which was amazing I'd been meaning to go there since it reopened a few years ago and even though we had to park almost a mile a way and walk up hill to get there it was worth every minute. The experience of just enjoying the day with my family is worth more to me than anything. It made me realize just how fast the kids are growing up and that we just need to take time to enjoy them a lil more each day. So after our little trip the we went home since I thought my hubby had to work that night and surprised me yet again that he had the night off. So we decided to meet up with some old friends at Yardhouse and have dinner and drinks. Which was a perfect ending to a perfect day even if we did get into some heated debates. LOL Who knew the Octo Mom could make so many people have different opinions and I still say that lady is crazy. So as I sit here writing I'm watching Nights at Rodathane and bawling my eyes out. Yes I know I'm a sucker for love stories but who doesn't want a happy ending. So good night everyone I will try to blog again soon.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
I know I know
I've been slacking lately. Things have been so crazy hectic around here I've hardly had anytime for myself. But I vow that I will start to make more time, because I really feel like all I do is work lately. Which is true because I don't know how long I can keep up these 48-50 work weeks. So anyways today is Valentine's Day I took the kids to get there annual pictures. Well Ashlyn was a princess like always and well Aidan was a beast. Trying to get him to take just one good shot was a major task I was sweating by the end of the photo shoot. So an update on the kids Aidan will be seeing an ENT this week to schedule a surgery to have ear tubes inserted. Ashlyn has been sick on and off for a week so yesterday when we were at the doctors for Aidan I had her checked out. The doctor asked if I ever noticed that she has been wheezing, I really never realized it I guess. So we got send home with a nebulizer machine to help her breathe and she has RSV on top of that. I swear it was bad news friday the 13th yesterday. When we go to Children's Hospital in a week I will let you know more about Aidan and his surgery date. I'm really scared because this is the poor guys 3rd surgery in 3 years. But I know he's a trooper and will recover fast. Well I wish all ofyou out there a Happy Valentines Day and hopes my hubby will be up soon and that he will remember.

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