Well Thanksgiving came and went..wow is time sure flying fast these day. It's exactly 24 days til Christmas are all of you ready, because
Im sure not. I think I really need to sit down and create a list of everyone I need to buy for and what on earth to get them. Then on top of all that I have 2 kids birthdays to plan. Aidan's happens to be 2 weeks before Christmas and
Ashlyn's is 2 weeks after, can you tell we did not plan to well the birth of our babies. But that's
ok because we have decided even though there birthdays fall so close to Christmas they will still have there own special day.
Ok now that I totally detoured off topic. So 2 days before Thanksgiving my hubby and I decided that we were going to hold Thanksgiving dinner at our house, since there had been some
unforseen events happen. We did not want my MIL to stress about Turkey dinner on top of everything else she had on her plate. So needless to say I was a total stress bucket, I have never cooked a darn Thanksgiving dinner in my entire life.
WTH was I thinking when I agreed to this, someone surely must of spiked my drink. So the day before Thanksgiving
Im sitting at work thinking about what side dishes and appetizers to make when it dawns on me how the heck do you clean a turkey. First thing that comes to my mind was soap and water of course that will clean the turkey for sure. Well my
mexican mommies at work informed that this is not how we clean a turkey and thank God for them they came to my rescue and gave me step by step directions. And even when I couldn't do it all by myself Alba came to help me clean it out and season it the night before..oh how I love those ladies. Now to backtrack a bit when I was washing the turkey I saw a long meaty thing inside its cavity I pulled out and Aidan was like mortified by this. He was like mom what is that..I responded son it the neck of the turkey. I should of never said that, because then he proceeded to tell me I killed the turkey and I need to bring him back to life. He was very upset so I finally sent him upstairs with his dad who was also disgusted by this whole process.
So Thanksgiving morning I got up pretty early and started to prep everything, and boy was that a task with a sick 1 year old needing you to hold her while you peel and mash potatoes. At that moment I was so ready for my
Oma to come home, she has been away visiting my mom in New York/New Jersey for a week. So needless to say I made it through all of that and the in laws showed up and my MIL helped me with the Sweet Potatoes and Green Bean Casserole. Finally it was time my turkey was ready and I was so so nervous that it wasn't going to taste good or worst yet not be cooked all the way
thru. But low and behold it was perfect, it was really juicy and the meat was falling off the bone. I was so
estatic I made my first Turkey dinner ever. Yes mom you would be proud and thanks for all your help via the telephone.
Later that evening we decided since we have a viewers copy of Paranormal activity that we would all watch it. Wow was that a bad idea, especially since my hubby had to work that night and I was going to be home alone with the kids all night. So I pretty much did not sleep very well that night every little noise I thought the demon was entering my house trying to get us.
LOLNext up is Aidan's 4
th birthday party this weekend. Its race car themed and he is so excited. The place that made my wedding cake is making his race car themed cake and I can't wait to see what it's going to look like. I do have to say having a race car party was a tricky one and thank goodness for
internet shopping, I found everything I needed even down to the plates. Tomorrow
Im off to find a pinata wish me luck.
The turkey is done. Gooble Gooble

All the side dishes

Turkey is carved
anf ready to eat

My cute
lil family except my children were not so happy to take a pic

All of The