A couple weeks ago my best friend and I took our little rugrats to the pumpkin patch. When I arrived at my friends house I realized we were also bringing her two nieces, which brought our rugrat head count to 6. Wow were we out number by the little people 3 to 1. But the more the merrier and all they kids adore each other so this should be fun.

I took a pic of them after we arrived just in case we lost one, we knew what they were wearing.
Crystal and I wanted to go straight to pumpkin picking but our kids were easily distracted by all of the animals. So we decided to head over to the petting zoo and pony rides. First up pony rides.
While my son was waiting in line for the pony rides he noticed there was a man holding snakes next to us. I was not amused and kept telling Aidan don't even think about it you know Mommy is afraid of snakes. Well he wasn't buying it he wanted to go and touch those snakes. So I finally gave in and after a nice pony ride my son paid a dollar and went into the snake pit. And no I did not join him he was on his own at this point lol.
This damn Monitor scared the crap out of me when I was trying to take a picture of Aidan holding the snake.
Finally the reptile torture was over, I was very happy and so were all the girls. They were all huddled together screaming in the corner. Poor Aidan was the only boy in the group. Next up was the petting zoo which had cute little fuzzy animals and a little monkey that danced and shook your hand for a dollar.
This little monkey reminds me of Pippi Longstockings
Ashlyn already made friends with the goats.
My poor BF and some of the girls wanted nothing to do with the furry friends.
My two beautiful babies.

Of course Aidan had to be silly in this picture. I think he was going crazy with all the females
He found his pumpkin
The whole gang with all there pumpkin finds.