Today my little boy turned 5, my oh my has time flied these last few years. I can sill remember like it was yesterday when we finally got to bring him home from the hospital. Aidan's journey to get here has surely been a special one that I'm going to share with you today. I initially did not find out I was pregnant with him until I was almost 12 weeks along, I know crazy right. I had been on the pill called seasonale where you only get a period 4 times a year so not having one was natural for me. But when aunt flo was suppose to arrive and she didn't I was a little concerned but not much. I schedule an appt at my doctors he did a pregnancy test came back negative and he even went as far as to run a blood test still nothing. So another month passes and no aunt flo, I go back again he does an ultrasound and low and behold there's a baby in my tummy. Let me tell you the shock I was in since my husband (boyfriend at the time) and I had only been for together for a FEW months. Yes you read that right I got preggers 4 months in. Talk about getting to know someone real quickly.
So as the pregnancy went on we were very excited awaiting the arrival of our baby. We found out at 20 weeks we were having a boy. For months and months we went back and forth on names. Then we decided that he would take my husbands first name Brandon and I got to pick his middle name. And since I am a big Sex in the City fan and I of course loved Aidan so that's what I decided. Yes I named my son after a character on SATC. So not to confuse our son we decided we would call him by his middle name Aidan. About 28 weeks I was shopping for maternity clothes and noticed something wasn't right I was having some bad cramping and discharge. My doctors appt was 2 days later and I informed him of this and he decided he was going to check and see if I was dilated. Sure enough I was already 50% effaced and 1cm dilated. I was ordered to be on strict bed rest. I was only allowed 5 min showers and walks to and from the bathroom. I thought he was crazy I had to spend the next 12 weeks in bed watching tv, reading books and doing nothing else. I was for sure going to go crazy. So for the first few weeks I was really good but then I decided to venture out of my bedroom and just go to the store to get a few quick things for the baby. Boy was that a bad idea a few days later that put me into labor and back in the hospital. Thank goodness they stopped labor and later that evening I was sent home.
As soon as I got to 37 weeks I could stop taking my meds that stopped labor and sure enough on December 8th was the day my little bundle of joy was coming. After 15 hours in labor I knew something was wrong and that he wasn't going to come naturally. I begged the doctor for a C-section and he gave in. While in the operating room he told me you know your body well that baby was really stuck and would of never come out naturally. Finally at 11:35 p.m. he arrived 7lb 11oz and 19 inches long.
In labor with horrible back pain
Waiting patiently for this baby to come out
He's finally here
My precious little boy
The next day his pediatrician came by to do his newborn check up and noticed he was breathing funny and asked the nurse to check his pulse/oxygen and realized it was low. So they sent him off to the NICU to do some further testing. As the day progress things took a turn for the worse. We found out he had a seizure while in the NICU and had a pretty bad infection in his lungs. We then learned our precious baby boy would have to spend some time there. We were told he may have sepsis and some neurological disorders and that he may not make it. Thats when I broke down I had waited and waited for him to be here and then to be told I may not have him for much longer was devastating. They ran more spinal taps, EEG and EKG and after about 5 days of him being there we learned he just had an infection in his lungs and he would be just fine. My boy was going to make it. And on day 10 in the NICU we finally got to take our little boy home.
Seeing my baby in the NICU for the 1st time
So many wires hooked up to my baby
Holding his bottle for the first time at 4 days old
We would soon learn that his homecoming would be short lived. At 7 weeks old he was running a really high fever, could not keep any milk down and cried non stop. Not knowing what to do I called my pediatrician and she stated to take him straight to the ER. Where we soon learned he had meningitis and was quickly transported by ambulance to a bigger hospital with a PICU. We were put in an isolation room for a few days and after a few days of antibiotics we were able to come out of isolation and into a normal room. After being there for several days we finally got to take our little boy home again. By now we were so afraid of him getting something else we wanted no one to touch our precious boy.
His second visit to the ICU
Don't think Aidan's journey is done just yet at his 1 year check up we learn he has two inguinal hernias and had to have surgery. At 2 we find out he had complication from his circumcision and had to have surgery on his man parts. And at 3 after 6 severe ear infections and chronic bronchitis he had his tonsils and adnoids removed. Phewwww this kid gave me grey hair before I turned 30. All in all his is the best gift we could of ever asked for and thank God everyday him. He is now 5, growing like a weed, loves his xbox and torchering his little sister.
Surgery #1
Surgery #2
Pictures from Surgery #3 are missing there on my computer in one of my 1000 files.
So my son I want you to know you I love you more and more each day and I'm so happy of the boy you have become. I can't wait to see what the next 5 years bring.