Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Wannabe Holly Homemaker

Yes I admit I'm trying to be a creative momma this year by making my kids costumes. Who the hell was I fooling I can't sew worth crap. So thank goodness my best friends mom can and she is sewing Ashlyn a beautiful Lil Red Riding Costume and I am still putting together Aidan's costume myself. He wants to be the Scout from Team Fortress 2 other wise known to Aidan as the "Catch It". Don't ask where he got that name from cause heck if I know. The darn scout looks like a baseball player to me, but if I even mention he's a baseball player Aidan gets angry. So let's see how he does on Halloween when everyone says "Oh your such a cute little baseball player". I already know my son is going to correct each and every one of them. Poor people if you only known how stubborn my son is.

On another note I took the kids this pass Sunday to the pumpkin patch and they had a blast. We went with the in laws and thank goodness they came, because there's no way I could of done it all by myself. First off I forgot to bring the stroller so carrying Ashlyn was ok at first but my arms were dying by the end of the day. I don't mind her walking around but my children seem to think its funny to run away from mommy, and if Ashlyn sees any kid of animal she's running towards it. That girl is a true animal lover, I've never seen a kid scream with joy every time she's sees a dog or a cat. She's my lil Dr Doolittle. So back to the pumpkin patch the kids went to the petting zoo and had a great time with the billy goats and chickens. We ate yummy roasted corn on the cob covered in butter. So good but sooo not good for my cholesterol or diet.

Here's are some pictures from our lil trip to the pumpkin patch and hopefully next week we will be heading to Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween.

Aidan wanting to pay for his own pumpkin

My lil princess always has to carry her Dora purse.
Such a girly girl.

Finally posing for mommy.

My lil animal lover

This right before he asked me if we can take him home. LOL

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