Well my little girl is officially not a baby anymore. On January 2nd she turned 3. Where did time go I feel like it was just yesterday I found out I was pregnant with her. And I remember that day vividly. It was 3 weeks after we got married, and I was so exhausted and nauseous from every smell and food imaginable. I thought maybe I was just run down after 18 months of planning my wedding of a lifetime and running around with a 18 month old, but then I realized it had been awhile since I got my period. So I called the new hubby up at work and told him something wasn't right. He told me go to the store and pick up a test and call him back with the results. We had talked recently about having another. But not this soon we wanted to plan on a summer baby since we already had Aidan who's birthday falls 2 weeks before Christmas. I went to the store grabbed a test and ran home. Drank a few cups of water, waited til I had to pee then peed on my little pregnancy stick. (got a great mental picture there don't you lol)

Then it came time to think of a name to call her. I always loved Addison for a girl. But I was soon told I'm no longer allowed to name our kids after a TV show I loved. I like Addison from Private Practice. And Aidan got his name from SATC. Who can blame me both great actors and actresses right?? So the hubby finally came up with a named he loved Ashlyn, and what a perfect name it was. Now that we had her name, the nursery was painted and decorated in pink, yellow, and green polka dots and now it was time to wait for her arrival. On January 2, 2008 that day finally came. I had been waking up all that night with pretty bad cramps but will still able to go back to sleep. But finally at 8 am they were a little to close together and getting stronger and stronger each time. My hubby had just taken on a new job and I didn't want to bother him so I told him I was just going to go to the docs to have them check on me. I called the docs told him how far apart the contractions were and I had lost my mucus plug he ordered me to get straight to the hospital. So I had my grandmother watch Aidan and I drove myself to the hospital which was 25 mins away from my house. Boy was I crazy trying to drive and not swerve into cars when contractions got bad. I finally arrived was checked in and told my contractions were a few mins apart. By then my hubby had knew something was wrong left work and meet me at the hospital. They then schedule a C-section for me at 6p.m. Several minutes after 6pm my little girl had finally arrived and she was so gorgeous. I couldn't get enough of her. 7 pounds 4oz and 21 inches long.
The box says can take up to 2 to 3 min for results to show, well that wasn't my case that puppy had two pink lines staring at me within seconds. I was indeed pregnant again. I was in shock at this moment since we were leaving on honeymoon in a week and was not looking forward to morning sickness while on our trip. I then immediately called my hubby and he was elated with so much joy. I couldn't believe it he was happier than I was, probably cause he doesn't have to carry the baby for 9 months in his belly or have morning sickness and constipation. Ok Ok TMI I know.
So the pregnancy progressed and at 18 weeks we decided to take both sides of our families and do a 3D ultrasound to find out the sex of the baby. When the ultrasound tech said a girl we all started screaming and I started crying I was so happy. I had a my little prince and now a princess. We had the perfect little family.

Then it came time to think of a name to call her. I always loved Addison for a girl. But I was soon told I'm no longer allowed to name our kids after a TV show I loved. I like Addison from Private Practice. And Aidan got his name from SATC. Who can blame me both great actors and actresses right?? So the hubby finally came up with a named he loved Ashlyn, and what a perfect name it was. Now that we had her name, the nursery was painted and decorated in pink, yellow, and green polka dots and now it was time to wait for her arrival. On January 2, 2008 that day finally came. I had been waking up all that night with pretty bad cramps but will still able to go back to sleep. But finally at 8 am they were a little to close together and getting stronger and stronger each time. My hubby had just taken on a new job and I didn't want to bother him so I told him I was just going to go to the docs to have them check on me. I called the docs told him how far apart the contractions were and I had lost my mucus plug he ordered me to get straight to the hospital. So I had my grandmother watch Aidan and I drove myself to the hospital which was 25 mins away from my house. Boy was I crazy trying to drive and not swerve into cars when contractions got bad. I finally arrived was checked in and told my contractions were a few mins apart. By then my hubby had knew something was wrong left work and meet me at the hospital. They then schedule a C-section for me at 6p.m. Several minutes after 6pm my little girl had finally arrived and she was so gorgeous. I couldn't get enough of her. 7 pounds 4oz and 21 inches long.
My big Belly

All ready for surgery

She's here..daddy cutting the cord

Family pic, just missing Aidan

She's perfect and chunky

Big Brother finally got to hold her

Later that night we learned she had some breathing problems and had to be transported to another hospital that had a NICU. My worse nightmare came true for a second time, how can another one of my babies be sick again right after being born. So my hubby followed the ambulance to the hospital and spoke with the doctors about what had gone wrong. Ashlyn was born almost a month early and her lungs were not fully ready yet. So she had to spend some time in the NICU to be put on meds and breathing machines to help her. 7 days later we were able to take her home.

Her home for the next 7 days

Auntie Sha Sha and Uncle Marc stopped by to visit

She only had eyes for daddy

Finally we got to bring her home

Now she is a singing dancing diva that can not be tamed. She amazes us everyday by the things she comes up with. She truly is one girly girl. From dress up to make up she needs it all. Happy Birthday Princess Ashlyn.
Her 1st birthday

2nd birthday we rented a pig for her piggy theme
Her adorable outfit made by @preppypoppy
Such a doll.

My two beautiful kids.

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